6 Tips for Writing the Perfect Resume

    •  Mr.
    •  HR :  1
    •  105 days ago  11/2011/hour  130

6 Tips for Writing the Perfect Resume

When seeking a job, the first thing your potential employers will ask of you is your resume. Gone are the days when a resume simply had a list of the skills one thought were relevant to the job. Today’s resumes will combine a lot of aspects that will increase your chances of being employed. Forget about the contents of your resume and focus on how well organized and precise you are as an employer. Here, we have the six tips that will help you write the perfect resume to land you that dream job. Before we delve into the list, know that being organized is the first step towards the perfect resume.

6. Make it Easy to Understand

For all you may know before the employers choose which resumes they will focus on, they give each one about half a minute to scan through them. There is your chance to go to the next step. First, have bullets where attention is needed on certain items such as your accomplishments. Afterward, use tools such as bold, underline and italicize to draw the attention o the reader to your strong points such as talents. Have clear headings, clean type and wide margins to remove the clutter from your resume and make the points easy to read.

5. Have a Quantity for Your Accomplishments

Simply telling the potential employer that you are good in something is no reason to get hired. You must state how good you are in that particular something. Use figures such dollar amounts, a number of employees, percentages, and others. You will also make the employers confident in your work rather than telling them rumors about what you did and did not do. Also, give a reason why what you did mattered. If you took part in a charity event and raised the highest amount of money, state why the amount mattered and why you are proud of yourself for that.

4. Focus on Your Accomplishments

The focus of every employer is to find a candidate who can solve problems and help the firm grow. If you simply state what you can do and give no evidence of having done it before, you are wasting your time and that of the employer. Tell them what you did and why it matters to their firm. You could be asked why you think what you did was important so add a little statement why winning a certain contract for your previous firm doubled their sales. Avoid being general as it is your chance to stand out from the crowd. Tell them why you are a better candidate without being too cocky and delusional.

3. Tailor Your Resume to the Needs at Hand

Some very little things may give you a job even if you are not the most quarried in the group of the people who applied for it. A structural engineering employer may be interested in seeing how organized you are in your resume while a financial analyst will be interested din how accurate you are in your claims. If you intend to mention something, mention all the important aspects of it in the clearest terms possible. If you pass the 30-secodn scanning phase, they will come back to it, and you will not be ready if you mentioned things in a hurry. Keep a consistent writing style throughout the resume.

2. Career Summary Tips

If you go through a few resumes, you will come up with a bottom lien in the Career Summary section which makes people unemployable. Do not go for a summary simply telling your employer that you know this and that and you intend to use it to help them attain some general goals you have thought of. It will not make an impression. For the 30 seconds or that your resume is in the hands of the employer, you need to give them reasons why you are the solution to their problems and not on developing yourself. Tell them you can do this and why they should hire you straight and plain.

1. Keep Networking

You can have the best resume on the planet, but if it does not get into the hands of employers, you will remain jobless. For this reason, make sure you make it your number one job to drop your resume in the right places. Know the people who will enable you to move from one point to the next in your career. Some of the people you meet will agree to be your referees on your resume, and their level of credibility will allow you make the most of what you can lay your hands on. Always aim to know people since it will help you along your journey to getting the job you so much desire.

The tips above are meant to point you in the right direction no matter the type of career you have. As stated before, you will have one in hundreds or even thousands of job applicants to present your resume. Avoid coming off as just another applicant by being organized and relevant to what they are asking you to present to them. Most employers will make the decision to hire someone in a few minutes after holding their resume. You need to be that candidate who quickly draws the attention of the employer with your resume. These tips will enable you to do so.
