5 Real Reasons You're Getting Radio Silence After a Final Interview

    •  Mr.
    •  HR :  1
    •  18 days ago  11/2011/hour  30

5 Real Reasons You're Getting Radio Silence After a Final Interview

After an interview, you feel motivated that this is a great job and you went out of the building with great confidence hoping to hear from them very soon. During the interview, your interviewer could have told you that they wanted to speed up the process. And then comes the silence. And you think within yourself, why is this taking longer than expected? Why the wait after a wonderful interview session. This proves the point that candidates and employers do have a different timeline. For candidates, this process should be faster, but the case is different for employers as they will have to prioritize before finally getting the job to the most qualified candidates. The waiting period is the most stressful. Interview process goes through procedures and there are basically three realities that you may face any of the scenarios.

  • There is an offer.
  • No offer yet.
  • You are on the waiting list to hear from your employer.

Painfully, this third scenario is the one that is faced by many and the major cause of anxiety and stress. Most companies will take up to four weeks to sort out things when it comes to hiring. After two weeks of waiting to hear from them, this could be frustrating and confusing. It can even be more stressful if you are convinced that you are really the ideal candidate for the job.

While waiting, you need to understand why the employer hasn't replied. You need to know what is happening behind the scenes. So here are the most five reasons for the radio silence after a final interview

5.The interview process with the employer isn't finished yet.

For some, this is a bad signal if the firm is still carrying on the interview process with other candidates. Most times this doesn't mean anything. Most employers prefer to interview at least three to six people for any specified slot. The interview can be arranged in advance even before they meet you. Provisional on people's plans, the interview process could take up to a week after the main interview has been completed after they decide on talking to you.

4.Something came up and stopped the process.

What most job seekers tend to believe that in the side of the employer the hiring goes smoothly, but there might be a lot of bumps on the way that wasn't planned for. It could be budget issues that need clarification or a more important role needed to be occupied before going back to previous interview or an unconnected work urgency getting in the way. These can make the interview process to be longer than expected.

3.There is a resolution about the position in question.

The process of hiring may need changes at times or question arising. A new assignment might have the interviewer speculating if they need to have one with an experience in public relation couple with other qualifications. Another scenario may be that the job description may be right until there is an announcement of resignation. This will require the company to restructure and reprioritize its priority. This can disarray the entire interview process and put it on hold while the candidates lose hope about it.

2.The job was given to another candidate, but without a reply yet.

This may look like you are running out of option, but don't lose hope because candidate do turn down job offers. If that is the case, you might be in the queue for the job. Just as you may be waiting for them to call, another person who might be the perfect candidate may see another opening somewhere and this might open up your chances.

1.The worst still, the job has been given to another candidate.

I believe this is totally rude from companies who employ people. You should know have a clearer answer if it's a yes or no. you deserve to know and move to another job hunting. You unequivocally merit a clear reply after you've invested a lot of the time for the interview (not to consider the time you took from work, from traveling and the hours of preparation), but the annoying fact is that some employers just don't get back to candidates and keeps them in the loop.


A little advice won't do you any harm. Don't stop the searching process until you were officially handed an offer. If after two weeks of the interview and no communication, you can finally presume that the company has employed another applicant. Waiting can be daunting, instead of running nut every second by refreshing your email button, you should consider it as part of the interview, but if you can't then stop the wait and do your own follow up. It's not bad to do a little follow up in order to get confirmation. Irrespective of the explanations that may be at play, the best thing for you to do is for you to prepare if nothing happens. Keep a note right on your calendar to know if it's more than two weeks and put up for another interview. At this point, you are left with no option than to apply for another or better still move on. Stressing over the waiting period won't hasten it. So you should move on mentally and physically assuming you were rejected.
