3 Follow-up Email Templates That Are Pretty Hard for the Hiring Manager to Ignore

    •  Mr.
    •  HR :  1
    •  18 days ago  11/2011/hour  30

follow up your job interview emails

    •  Mr.
    •  HR :  1
    •  18 days ago  11/2011/day  32

3 Follow-up Email Templates That Are Pretty Hard for the Hiring Manager to Ignore

After having a successful interview, you will most certainly be tempted to send a follow-up email to get in touch with the Hiring Manager. They see these emails every day, and you have to make sure that yours will draw his attention and increase your chances of getting hired. Understanding the employer and work environment can be a very important step towards creating the best follow-up email, and we will help you write the best follow-up email.

Email Objective

First of all, you have to clearly think about the reasons that you are emailing the employer. This will allow you to more correctly plan out the email. Usually, emails are written to require information. In this case, you might want to ask about information regarding your application status etc. You can also request a meeting through an email, catch up with your employer or just send a thank you note for their time.

The perfect opening

When you start an email, it is a good idea to start with a connection between two recipients. Busy people can sometimes forget about people, and reminding them where you met or got acquainted can lead to an increased chance of getting a reply.

Make yourself clear

There is no need for extra fluff and words when writing an email, as your follow-up email should be clear to understand by the employer. This will allow him to understand the purpose of the email, and going further into the request might increase the chances of you getting accepted. Remember to be specific about emails, as they can better understand the objective of the email. This will make it possible for them to give you what you want, and if they can't, you won't waste their time.

Smart subjects

Subject lines are usually overlooked by people who write follow-up emails, but that is a huge mistake. It's important to think about the subject line and write something that is short and grabs the attention of the reader. By carefully choosing the right words, you can poke the employer's curiosity and have him reading your email.

The right timing

It is important that you send a follow-up email after an interview, application, etc. But what is the right time for it? Technically speaking, there is no "right” time for it. There's not a fixed rule that will tell you when to email your employer, but you can still figure it out by yourself. Remember not to rush things, and send emails when you think the time is right and the urgency is fitting. Sending a thank you email 24 hours after an interview or meeting is totally acceptable, and it will indicate that you have an interest in the job.

Email templates

Using the above tips, we can now create follow-up emails that will make it hard for the hiring manager to avoid you. Combining the right timing and the right words, we can craft emails that will surely grab attention.

Follow-up thank you email after interview

Hello Mr/Mrs,

I would like to thank you again for your time today. I enjoyed learning about your company and how you achieved your milestone. Working for a company like yours, full of incredible and hardworking people, has always been my dream. I truly admire your company and would love to prove that I'm fitting for the role.

Below I have attached my resume, cover letter, a presentation and a portfolio showcasing my best work. I hope that the material I provided will give you a better idea of what I can offer for you and your company.

Thank you again for your time,

Yours truly,

Your Name

Follow-up emails after application

Hello Mr/Mrs,

My name is Your Name, and I am a "Your Position," and I saw that your company is currently hiring.

I believe I would be a great member of your team because:

I am very team oriented, and I can easily work with other people. I am very friendly in the workplace and believe in strength through the union of team members.

I can/am (list your qualities/abilities here).

I believe in your company and the mission that you have set out to achieve, and I would do anything to help you reach it.

Below I have attached my resume, cover letter and portfolio which can help you get a better idea on what kind of work I can do for you.

I hope to hear from you soon,


Your Name

Follow-up email after a meeting

Hello Mr/Mrs,

I would like to thank you for your time in the meeting today. It was a real pleasure having the chance to talk and communicate with you, learning about your experiences and the mission of your company. I appreciate all the advice you gave me regarding the job position.

During the meeting, you talked about your team looking for a "job position,” and I know just the right person. He/she has been running her company for around ten years now, and I believe that conjoining her experience with your financial power can lead to a very successful business relationship for both parties.

Thank you again for your time and advice.

Yours truly,

Your Name


There is no real formula to create perfect emails, but by using the tips and modifying the templates above, you can highly increase your chances of being accepted in the job that you just applied for.
