Man Lift Operator

  • Looking for : Full-time job

  • Job Description :
  • A lift operator’s primary job responsibility is to ensure the safe and efficient operation of the lifts which can be mountain chair lifts, goods lifts, person lifts or any other kinds of lifts.<br /> A lift operator is responsible for seeing to the fact that a lift is properly managed as per the standards of the lift authorization.<br /> A lift operator is responsible for loading and unloading items and goods in and out of the lift and deliver it to the right floor or level of the building where needed.<br /> A lift operator is responsible for helping elderly people or disabled individuals to get inside the lift and outside it if required.<br /> A lift operator is also responsible for regularly cleaning the lift and checking its working condition time and again.<br /> A lift operator is responsible for ensuring that the goods are safely put inside the lift and are in the right condition when they are being put outside the lift.<br /> In case of any emergency, a lift operator must know how to repair the lift.

    Name:  TG Services Inc

     2753 days     647

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